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Telangana Pharmacy Council
  • Telangana Pharmacy Council
    Telangana Pharmacy Council Starts from 16th July,2018
  • Application Verification Timings

    Applications will be accepted from Monday to Friday, Timings 10.30 AM to 4.00 PM

    Note : Lunch Timings 1.30 PM to 2.00 PM

  • Caution

    Applications of D.Pharmacy failed (Memo's) candidates will not be entertained

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Welcome to Telangana Pharmacy Council
Government Of Telangana

Telangana Pharmacy Council is a statutory body constituted by the Government of Telangana under the provisions of the Pharmacy Act of 1948 consisting of 6 members elected by Registered Pharmacists amongst themselves, five members nominated by Government of Telangana, one member elected by T S Medical Council and three Ex-Officio Members Through G.O.Ms No. 30 dated 06-04-2015

At present Government of Telangana appointed Director of Medical Education as President (Full Additional Charge) of Telangana Pharmacy Council w.e.f 04.01.2023 and appointed Sri B. Yoganandam as Registrar of Telangana Pharmacy Council w.e.f 25.08.2022. The Council started functioning and providing service to the Pharmacists from 16.07.2018

The main objective of the Telangana Pharmacy Council is to regulate the profession and practice of pharmacy in the state of Telangana. The prime function of the TGPC is to grant registration to the eligible pharmacists possessing requisite qualification as per the provisions of section 32(2) of the Pharmacy Act and to enforce the necessary provisions of the Pharmacy Act 1948 and Telangana Pharmacy Council Rules, 1955

At Present The Government of Telangana has Constituted Telangana Pharmacy Tribunal with effect from 06-04-2015 u/s 30 (1) of the Pharmacy Act 1948 to prepare the first register of Pharmacists who were earlier registered with erstwhile Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council and opted to render their Services in the State of Telangana. The first Register of Pharmacists so prepared is now available in this site to raise the grievance or objections if any to the appellate authority appointed under the Act

Contact US

Telangana Pharmacy Council

Drugs Control Bhavan Premises,

Vengalrao Nagar,


Mobile No : 7330918124

Telangana State - 500 038


I swear by the code of ethics of Pharmacy Council of India, in relation to the community and shall act as an integral part of health care team.

I shall uphold the laws and standards governing my profession.

I shall strive to perfect and enlarge my knowledge to contribute to the advancement of pharmacy and public health.